Posts by admin.

Episode 47

In this episode, our 47th, we realize the mailbag is actually fuller than we thought, and work diligently to answer questions from a “long-term” Swedish listener about IPv6 reverse mapping, from Jeremy Laidman about BIND 9.11’s new catalog zones feature, and from (the also likely Swedish) Håkan Lindqvist about the credibility of DNS data, particularly NS records.  We also digress into ruminating over the possible deleterious effects of The Disney Channel on the attitudes of tween daughters, why the first four minutes of the forthcoming “Sully” are likely the highlight of the film, and what we’ve been watching on TV lately.  Don’t miss it!

Episode 46

This episode, number 46, features a guest appearance from Roy Arends of ICANN, whom Matt, Roy’s boss, swears wasn’t forced to participate in our forsaken podcast after midnight Oxford time.  Roy’s worked on Unbound, fpdns, DNSSEC, and Nominet’s Turing product.  We answer questions from Jacob Evans about mismatched SOA records and name server support for IPv6 anycast, and from long-suffering listener Evaggelos Balaskas about Response Policy Zones and why he sees different responses to queries for A records for  Along the way, Matt announces his new job, and while tracing the origin of Matt’s pet phrase, “There has been no time,” a discussion of the term “shirt-tail relatives” ensues, during which Cricket forgets the word “commutativity.”

Episode 44

Well, we said we’d try to keep to a monthly schedule, and we arguably just made it!  This episode, number 44, features a special guest:  Andrew Sullivan, Matt’s colleague at Dyn and Chair of the Internet Architecture Board.  Now, if we’d planned ahead and let you know Andrew was going to be on the show, we could have let you know so that you could have submitted lots of thoughtful questions for him to answer, but by now you know not to expect that kind of forethought from us.  Instead, we asked him about stuff we’re interested in, including the IANA transition and ARCING, an IETF effort to identify alternative resolution contexts.  We also answer a question from Sheridan West about some suspicious-looking log messages from his name server and one from Jeff Helman about the right DNS configuration for handling multiple back-end web servers.

Episode 40

In this 40th episode–a milestone!–Matt and Cricket answer long-suffering listener Grant Taylor’s question about sorting replies by type and wander into the Land of Happy Eyeballs, then explore an answer Joe Abley received from Mark Andrews of ISC.  Meanwhile, a discussion of the term G-job causes Matt to recount accidentally insulting a group of public servants, and both Matt and Cricket discuss their hope that the new AppleTV will lead to the end of their paying for streaming content they could have watched for free.

Episode 39

In this star-studded episode, Matt and Cricket take advantage of a meeting of the DNS Cabal–that is, the annual “Inside Baseball” event–to answer Donald Rudder’s question about whether synthesizing NXDOMAIN responses to avoid random subdomain attacks would work with NSEC3 as well as NSEC records.  This is followed by a wildly entertaining (by DNS standards, anyway) discussion of the future of DNS, new TLDs, communication in the event of attacks, and more.

Guest-starring some of the brightest lights in DNS, including Kris Beevers, Brian Brady, David Dagon, Casey Deccio, Rob Fleischman, Olafur Gudmundsson, Shumon Huque, David “Tale” Lawrence, and Duane Wessels.

Episode 38

In this episode, long-time (and likely now sole) listener Yiorgos Adamopoulos asks about the the process of signing the root zone, which Mr. DNS has some experience with.  Matt also recaps some of the goings-on at the latest DNS-OARC meeting in Amsterdam, omitting that which must stay in Amsterdam, but revealing some lapses from his DNSSEC RFC-editing days.

Episode 36

In this episode, Matt and Cricket respond to Tommi Nikkilä’s followup to his original question about the legality of multiple CNAME records in a DNS answer, and then react to (to claim they “answer” it is a reach) dedicated listener Yiorgos Adamopoulos’s question about registering domain names with underscores in them.  On the way, Matt describes his quest to set a personal record in his commute from his home in Bethesda to Dyn’s headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire, and then (inadvertently?) disses Cricket’s manhood by suggesting that Real Men Drive with Standard Transmissions.  Finally, the guys bemoan their lack of questions, implying that this is somehow responsible for their sporadic production, when we know in fact it’s their own damn fault.

Episode 35

In this episode, Matt and Cricket wonder aloud whether they’ve lost their domestic audience, but then rally to answer questions from their remaining international listeners:  Evaggelos Balaskas’s question about SRV records, Joe’s questions about resolver and name server fallback to TCP, and Tommi Nikkilä’s question about multiple CNAME records attached to the same domain name.  And, oddly enough, they wrap up with a discussion of the joy of milk delivery.

Episode 34

In this episode, Matt and Cricket answer Harry Stein’s question about a DNSstuff search that turned up suspected cache poisoning, and Kirk Davis’s question about Google’s (somewhat crazy) recommendations on how to force the use their non-SSL-based services.

Episode 33

Here, at long last, is Episode 33, in which Matt announces a “Development with a capital D” (and a lowercase “yn”), and Matt and Cricket answer questions from Jason Weber about how to deal with web hosting and a hosted DNS zone; from Chuck Nelis about split DNS; from Michael Simoni about the (waning?) need for multiple zones; and from Matt Pounsett about the dangers of mixing recursion and authority on a single name server.