Episode 13

For the first time ever, Matt and Cricket have a guest host, Duane Wessels, recently of DNS-OARC and now at VeriSign.  Matt, Duane and Cricket answer Christoph Kluenter’s question about IPv6-only name servers, Rick Andrews’s question about how software distinguishes IP addresses from domain names, and Rainer Duffner’s question about whether Google is omniscient or just sneaky.  In addition, Matt demonstrates his formidable command of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001:  A Space Odyssey,” and both Matt and Cricket gush about author Neal Stephenson and his latest novel, “Anathem.”


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cricket Liu, Suresh Rajasekaran. Suresh Rajasekaran said: Episode 13: For the first time ever, Matt and Cricket have a guest host, Duane Wessels, recently of DNS-OARC an.. http://bit.ly/5zBznc […]

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by cricketondns: Episode 13: For the first time ever, Matt and Cricket have a guest host, Duane Wessels, recently of DNS-OARC and n… http://bit.ly/6fgmmd

  3. How would you comment on http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/dot-local.html in combination with the discussion that an IPv4 address is a syntactically legal domain name?

  4. I don’t think what DJB is proposing would cause any problems with a resolver’s determination of whether a given string is an IPv4 address or a domain name–unless you giving your local hosts three-octet names. “pop.3” is clearly a domain name (since it has an all-alpha label) so it won’t cause any confusion.

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